March 20, 2011

Let's do Amy D. tomorrow and a Bit of This n That

I'm going to move our Amy D. reading to Monday the 21st.  Audry made a comment on my Freezer Contents post and it got me thinking that I should post some additional information on all of my food inventory sheets.  I am going to update that post and will be adding the inventory of my pantry and I will include the prices that I paid for these items. 

I have the price information as I keep a list of my weekly grocery receipts in an excel spreadsheet.  I have said this before, I believe that prices on food are going up, but I also believe that where I live I am paying a lot lower for food than many of you. 

So, it will take some extra time for me to get this information posted, but I really feel this will be a worthwhile project. 

I am happy today.  The sun has been shining, it is warm and yet it is also getting darker and will be raining soon.  The snow is gone and there is hope that soon we won't have to worry about snow storms.  But it is not just the weather that has me happy today.  I have found areas of ministry at my church and I am volunteering in those ministries. Why am I happy about this?  Well, when you go to volunteer to do anything, you should volunteer for something that you like to do.  Otherwise it will not be an enjoyable experience and over time, you will become miserable. 

First, I am working on a Youth Council that helps plan and give direction to our Middle School and High School youth programs.  I have a great concern for young people and want to be a mentor and helper as much as I possibly can. 

Second, our church will be hosting a Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University Program and I will be helping with the weekly seminars.  I have always wanted to work with people that need help in getting their finances in order, pay off debt and put money into savings.  I've been through the school of hard knocks when it comes to finances and I have a lot of life skills to contribute. 

All of us have God given gifts that we can use in volunteer work.  You just have to find what you like to do and then find a place/person who can use your help. 

It has been in the 70's today and we ate hamburgers off the grill with baked beans and deviled eggs.  Pure heaven.  Yesterday I baked brownies, butterscotch bars, a homemade pizza and hamburger and hot dog buns. 

Hamburger and Hot Dog Buns

Pizza raising in the oven

Can you tell I'm in a good mood?  I really feel that it has a lot to do with finding places to volunteer that fit right in with things I like to do.  Also the weather is warmer and I have had time to bake homemade buns.

1 comment:

Maureen said...

If you want something done ask a busy person, i remember hearing that saying when i was a little girl and couldent understand the meaning. Now as an adult i realise they were talking about people like you, no wonder you are happy today it,s because you are fulfilled.......